Friday, January 7, 2011

A few of my favorite things...

- The way he snuggles me when he wakes up from his nap

- How he lights up whenever he hears his Daddy's voice

- How he stops eating half way through just to give me a smile

- When he whines while I'm not looking, then starts to laugh as soon as I look

- How he has discovered his hands and starting to reach for things

- How the most he ever talks to me is when I'm singing to him.

- How he smiles at anyone who smiles at him, even if he's in the middle of crying

My little man is growing so fast and I know in each new faze there will be a whole new set of things that I love...but I don't want to forget these ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


He is adorable! Looks like you're enjoying motherhood!