Friday, May 14, 2010


So it's been a good 10 months since my last update. I know I have so many readers who have been faithfully checking to see if I've updated yet, and to those people I apologize (Tricia). :)

Well the only new thing going on right now is that we're expecting a little baby boy in September. I'm sure this isn't news to anyone, but I feel like that's all I have to share. We're getting more and more excited and a little nervous, as the time is quickly approaching. This little man's moving around more and more, and recently I've been able to see the movement from outside, which makes it even more fun! I'll be 22 weeks Sunday, which puts our little boy at 11 inches from his little head to his tiny butt, and he's almost a pound. No crazy cravings yet, just food in general tastes a lot better. :) Actually, I had the most amazing butter the other day, it was this Land O Lakes made with Canola oil or something, I honestly could've just eaten it by itself, which is a little disturbing and probably doesn't have too much nutritional value, so if you see me walking around knawing on a stick of butter please do me a favor and do your best to wrestle it from my death grip, and forgive me if you get hurt in the process. I will thank you later I'm sure.

I'll post some pics later...even though I don't really have any to post. I'll see what I can come up with.

Well that's it for now. I'll see if I can make regular posts now that I actually have something to post about.