Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AJ the bruiser...

So we had his 2 week check up today and since last Tuesday this monster of a child has gained a little more then a pound. He's weighing 9.1, which is 75th percentile, his height is also 75th percentile. I found out today his head is measuring at 38 centimeters which is a little more then 15 inches, and that's what he was last week also. Looks like we got a linebacker on our hands, thinking about contacting Shanahan soon...Redskins could use the help.

Hope you all have a great day!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Just wanted to say...

How much I love this little face, and how grateful I am that I get to be his mom.

Had a little bit of a rough night last night, and didn't sleep much today, but thanks to his daddy he is now snug and comfy in his little vibrating chair, which makes me a very happy mommy.

This picture makes me laugh. :)

He gets his 2 week check up tomorrow so I'll give an update after that.

Hope you all had a wonderful day!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pics from delivery

Breathing threw contractions. Joe did an awesome job coaching. :)
First pic of my little man. Dr. Apgar, the best Dr. ever!
Getting all his little measurements done.
Holding my boy for the first time.
The wonderful family who stuck around till 1, so they could see AJ and the me. Right now they are watching AJ get his first bath.
AJ getting his first little bath.
The proud Papa

Little miss Katie, holding her cousin
Love him.
The sweet Apolenis family. Thanks for visiting guys!
He loves his Daddy.
The sweetest little face I've ever seen.

Delivery story

So I figured I should write AJ birth story down before I forget some of it.

So it all started with a little visit to the Dr. on Monday, Sept. 13. Joe and I went in to get another sonogram and to hopefully plan the induction for the next day (because the past two appointments we had sono's and our little man was measuring at 9 pds 14 oz, and his head wasn't registering in the system because they said it was so big). So, we arrive and get our sono and it states the same, after talking with our dr. he informed us that he wanted us at the hospital in four hours to get the induction started.

Monday night was pretty quiet as they only gave me something to soften the cervix. Joe and I hung out and watched out two fav football teams on Monday night football. Jets lost to the Ravens and Chiefs conquered all!!!

Tuesday morning the nurse came in and started my pitocin at 7 AM. Contractions definitely started, but weren't too overwhelming yet. Around noon they came in and upped my pitocin because my labor was going very slow. That is when I really started feeling things. My water broke around 2, and a little before that I had requested my epidural. MAD props to those who can do it natural, I believe 5 centimeters is the furthest I will ever go without an epidural. I mean, next time I might just get it to start out, no need to be a hero. :)

By 6 PM Dr. Apgar came in to check me and informed me that I was 5 centimeters still, and that AJ's head was at a -4 station, which means he was no where close to coming down. He told us that he really would recommend a C-section at this point. Joe and I went in knowing that there was a big chance that I would be getting a C-section because of the size of our guy, so after praying for a little bit we decided to go ahead. Apgar informed us that it would probably be about a half our, then we would get going. About 5 minutes later the nurses came in to prep me, and were immediately pulled away for an emergency c-section, which means we would be waiting another hour. That was completely fine though because I was drugged up and feeling good, and AJ was snug and warm and happy where he was. Around 8 Apgar came in again and said that the C was over, but he had a patient who was ready to push so it would be about another hour. He came in again around 9 and said that there was another emergency C, so I was being pushed one more time. No rush for us though because we were doing fine, I was just anxious to meet the little guy.

Finally, 10 PM comes around and off we go to the OR. I was wheeled in at 10:10, and AJ was born at 10:35, they definitely don't waste any time. :) Joe had a little of a scare as I lost a bit more blood then I was supposed to. Joe brought AJ over for me to meet and after seeing him for a minute my face went pale, I passed out and my heart rate dropped. We weren't sure what had happened until a few days later when my dr. came to see me and told us what happened. Luckily I was fine and so was AJ. Little man was born at 10:35 PM, Sept 14th, weighing 8.7 (a lot smaller then they were expecting) height: 21 inches. I may be biased :) but he is about the cutest and most precious little man I have ever seen.

Special thanks to Mom and Ni-Ni who gave up their entire Tuesday to be with us and help out. You are such servants and I appreciate all you did that day, and all you have done these past two weeks. I love you both!

Enjoy the pics in the post above! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby AJ

I can't believe this little man is already here. It has definitely been quite an adjustment, but it has been so incredible having him home.

He was born: September 14th, at 10:35.
Weighing: 8.7
Height: 21 inches

We were all happy that he wasn't as big as they said he was going to be. I was expecting a 10 pounder so 8.7 was music to my ears. :)

I'll tell the labor story soon before I forget, but for now here is a little video from the hospital.

Enjoy! :)