Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Gabe and Ash :)
Priscila is really excited about the game
Not sure who took this pic, but it sure is flattering.Cute little pregnant Trish. Can't wait to meet those little ones.
Sam really liked this game.
Cesar got pretty into too. It was his first time playing and he did really good. Even if he stinks at tennis.
Catch phrase really makes you think... this is serious guys.
Ahhh...what a cute couple.
Seriously, Sam got a little crazy with the game.
Priscila couldn't stop laughing....
neither could Trish. Love her.
This picture makes me smile, because it pretty much sums up Ashley, joyful and fun to be around!

I love our group! Everyone brings a different dynamic and contributes to the group in a different way. This past year and a half has been so fun getting to know these couples. Can't wait to see what the next few years holds. Tonight was game night, and as you can see we have a few competitive people. Makes it very interesting, and a lot of fun!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Packed car, on the way to the beach!
The promising weekend beach weather. :)
Me and Beauty, we went straight to the beach when we got there.

The nice thing about not being able to sleep one night is I got some early morning sunrise pics.

I don't know what it is I like about this one, but I like it.

Me and my lovey, on the beach!
Getting ready for a bike ride, on the boardwalk, with the crew.
These last two pictures I took a week ago right after it finished raining. It's a trail that we go running on right by our house.

We had a great time at the beach this weekend. The weather wasn't great, and no one was allowed in the water because of Bill, but it was great being with everyone, and I had a fun time with my camera. :) I haven't figured out how to put the pictures under my entry, so that's why this is at the end instead of the beginning. I'm sure it's easy, but I just can't seem to do it.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Trying out my NEW CAMERA in DC!!!!

I just like this pic cuz of the colors :) The fish wouldn't hold still.
For my Peeps back home. :)

A cool little archway I found
One of my favorite buildings in DC....I love the tower! It's fun to go to the top.
Little Katie eating ice cream, she had her whole nose in at some points. :) love her.

So I'm going to try and do more updates, since I got a new camera. I'm trying to figure it all out now, so I thought I'd post a couple pictures. They aren't that good, but I'm really enjoying learning all the cool tricks. I have lots of fun plans for pics!

Joe and I are going to the beach this weekend with a bunch of friends. We haven't been all summer, and I can't wait! Hopefully I'll be able to get some good pictures there.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Goose attack

I just saw someone get attacked by a goose!
Here's what happened. I drove into my work parking lot and the goose flew down from the second story of the parking garage. I had to slam on my breaks because I thought I was going to hit it. Then I was walking in, and carefully scooted by the crazy bird because I could tell it was on edge. All the sudden I hear a lady screaming, I turn around and it's on her head, flapping its wings and going at her. It scared the crap out of me, so I started running toward her yelling and flapping my arms (I probably frightened the lady more then the bird did) not really sure what I was going to do when I got there. Luckily it stopped by the time I arrived because I had no plan to stop the bird if it continued. She was fine, and no harm done except for her pride. I wish I had been quick thinking and grabbed my phone out to take a picture while I was running to help, next time I'll be prepared. Unfortunately when I see her from now on, I know it's going to be hard for me to keep a straight face, because if you think about it it's kind of funny. I'm sure there were people ducking (no pun intended) behing cars watching the whole ordeal, and it probably made there day. Moral of the story: if you spot a goose, in your parking lot, where you would normally park....park somewhere else. Those things will kill you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Trip to Idaho

I decided I should probably update our blog and surprise Joe, since he kindly reminds me about twice a week that I have not entered anything since February.

We went to visit my family in Idaho over Easter weekend. Headed out Thursday night and came back Monday. It was so great to see all the family and enjoy the somewhat beautiful weather. It was in the 50's and sunny which wasn't bad, but I found out that my parents greenhouse is always quite warm (my stepdad informed me that before they got the fan in the greenhouse it got up to 130 degrees and there was snow on the ground outside), so if I wanted a tan while I was on my vacation I could just go head out there amongst the cows and dogs and get a little bake.

Joe had a good time too, which I'm sure if you've talked with him you've heard the stories.. :) but I think a highlight of the trip for him was when my brother-in-law took him fishing. Toby (brother-in-law) is a HUGE fisher and enjoys doing it on a weekly basis, so he does NOT joke around. Joe informed me that to get to this "secluded" fishing spot they walked for about a half hour through thorns and bushes that were as tall or taller then him (may have been a bit of an exaggeration) with their fishing poles and equipment. Fortunately he had his waders on that were up to his chest (I would've paid to see this, but unfortunately there was no camera handy) so he didn't get too scraped up. Anyway, they went fishing in about 5 feet of water, and Joe caught a fish on his second or third try. All in all he said he had a really good time and that he had never experienced anything like that before, and next time he will remember to bring a machete.

We both had such a great time seeing all the kids, hanging out with family and tasting the delicous homemade cherry wine and beer. We can't wait to go back and see them again soon, hopefully next time it will be for longer and it will be warmer so we can go to all the places that I love out there in Idaho. :)

p.s.: I did not take the picture above, but I love the Tetons. And no, technically the tetons are not in Idaho, but I can see them from my house so I like to claim them. :) My favorite place to go.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A long time

So, it's been a while since I last posted but there hasn't really been a ton going on. I went back home last month to visit my family and had a very interesting trip down there. One of my flights got canceled so I stayed over in Minneapolis for a night, then my flight the next morning left late so I missed my connecting flight, and ended having to rent a car to drive the rest of the way. So it was quite the trip down, and I have learned never again to fly into Idaho Falls in the middle of winter. But it was great seeing my family, and that's all that matters.

I posted the picture above because it's just about the cutest picture ever. The little guy is Cole, Nate and Sarah's boy. Pretty much the cutest guys I've ever seen. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

We just wanted to wish all of you a Happy New Year! Ni (Joe's sister) and Kurt got married on Saturday and we got to participate in it! It was such a joy to be a part of! The pictures above are from the wedding. The top one was taken by Kristen, who also did our wedding photos. She did an amazing job!