Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pics of him eating...

Here's right before his first eating...doesn't he look so proud. Almost like it's his first day of school. Please don't let that day come too quickly.
Not long after we started he was pretty sure he had it figured out, and could do it on his own.
"What mom, I got this."
It was also difficult to feed him because his signature move is eating his fists...guess it tasted better then his cereal. Also, I tasted the cereal, and I really believe that his fists tasted better.
"Please stop taking pictures." love that messy mouth!
Love this sweet boy face.

The end! Can't believe my little man is already eating solids, it has gone by so fast! Before you know I'll be taking pictures of him walking....crazy.

Another quick video

So, I can't get the eating one on for some reason, but this one makes me laugh. He is a big talker and has started this new super high pitched talking. This is just a little glimpse of it, it's normally much louder.

A couple videos of AJ

So I have a video of AJ eating rice for the first time, but it won't upload so I'm going to have to try later.

Last week he got a new jumper, which he loves, and I laugh every time this one song comes on because he jumps in time the entire time. But of course when I get the camera out he won't do it. Funny thing is, when I was watching the video back after recording, he was still in his bouncer and could hear the music...and of course started bouncing in time. Unfortunately I couldn't record it because I was watching the video on it. :) Oh well, I'll try to get it another time. :)

I also have a lot of photos to post, but I can't find my camera cord....I'll try and do that later today. :)