Monday, October 25, 2010

Dedication and update

A couple Sundays ago we were able to dedicate AJ. It was such a sweet time, and a great reminder that AJ is here for God's glory. It was nice to have the pastors pray over us and for AJ's salvation.
Joe's mom was kind enough to take pictures for us. There were quite a few other kids being dedicated also.

A fun family picture...I look a little strange, and you can't see AJ's face, but at least Joe looks good. :)
Here is my sweet sleeping man. He always sleeps in the funniest positions. I just love those cheeks and that sweet little mouth. I still can't believe he's here. Can't wait to see this little guy grow up.
He was NOT happy about this picture. We went to Leesburg on Saturday, which was quite the adventure. AJ decided that he wanted to wake up and be hungry when we were the farthest from the car that we could possibly be. I hurried back with a screaming little man in a stroller, and I swear I have never seen so many slow walking people. You'd think that if you were walking and you heard a screaming baby behind you, you would be kind enough to step to the such luck. Anyway, we got this had at Tommy Hilfiger and I wanted him to model it.

AJ had his 1 month appointment last Wednesday and he's doing well. He's over 11 pounds now, so 75 percentile for weight and height. Same as last time. He also got his first shot, and he was already so upset with the nurse that I when I turned around (I couldn't watch them give the shot) I couldn't tell when they did it.

Something that surprised me that I didn't even think of are things I can't eat because they upset his stomach. If it doesn't upset his stomach then it keeps him up all day and night.
1) Dairy
2) Broccoli (common I think)
3) Spicy food
4) Orange Juice (this also includes Sunny D which I love)
5) Caffienne - Obviously this has been a sacrifice...I would love a Dr. Pepper, Coke, or coffee in the morning. I have a starbucks giftcard that I've had for 6 weeks...normally they last me for a couple days. Yeah, it's a killer.

I'm sure there's more, and I'll come across more in the coming weeks. Luckily this only lasts for a few more months I think. It's worth it though. :)



Monday, October 11, 2010

Little AJ update...

He always makes the funniest faces...especially when he's sleeping. I love to just watch him.

He took a bath today. It went a lot better then it normally does, he didn't get upset till I took him out. Poor little man was so cold. :) He looks a little like a deer in headlights, makes me laugh. He's so alert now, it's fun to talk to him and have him staring back at you.

A few fun pics of AJ. He keeps growing a ton. He has his 1 month appointment on Thursday, can't wait to hear how our little man is doing. He is now in his 3 month clothes and some 3-6 month clothes... that will tell ya how big he is since he's not even a month yet. Ha! He still seems small to me though. Love my little boogs so much!

Hope you all had a great Columbus day!

Family Visits

So it's been a little while since I've updated. It's been a busy couple of weeks. First, my Dad, Em and my little Bro Eli were here for the weekend. We had such a great time relaxing with them. We took my dad to Red Hott and Blue, since he is a huge bbq junkie and Red Hott is definitely our fav place. Here are some pics from their time here.
We had a nice breakfast at Joe's parents.
What a sweet face. Love the onesie! :)
Isn't he the cutest little man. Love my little brother.
Can't get enough of these two. We miss them so much already.
My dad. Such a good guy. Miss him.
After they left my dad's brother Cody came by for a quick visit. We were documenting how strong little AJ is getting.
Next up is my Mom and brother Davy's visit. This is us on the metro. You can kind of see AJ, had to get a pic of his first ride. :)
Davy obeyed the overhead lady very well. Everytime he heard "please stand back and allow passengers to enter," he would step back as far as he could...even though there was no one there. I had to get a pic of it.
Davy and the Monument. Can't believe he's already 12. His birthday was the day they traveled here.
Davy in the Museum of Natural History.
Davy and my Mom.
Davy is a huge Airplane guy, so he was very excited to visit the Air and Space Museum.
This is us at the Baltimore aquarium. We really made it around last week. Got to see a lot of stuff. You can always count on a great smile from mom... :)

AJ and I in the sharks mouth...I had trouble finding his head in this picture. It's kind of squooshed down in the snugly.
The Rainforest room. We all had such a great time!
The day that they were leaving we went and visited The Adventure Park.
Both and Dave and Joe loved it. :) We had such a great time with my mom and Davy and wish they could've stayed longer...

And this I had to add because it was so stinking cute. Love these two boys so much.