Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Favorite

So a couple weeks ago I discovered a website called Pinterest. It's a place where you go and can "Pin" different photos on a board, for example if there is some sort of cool decorating thing you like and want to try, or a place you want to visit, you can have different boards that you would "Pin" this picture on. Anyway, I love this site! I can spend hours on it, and it's fun because you can view everyone else's Pins and if you like it you can Repin it for yourself. If you've never heard of it I would definitely recommend checking it out! so fun!

Blow out

Yesterday AJ had quite the blow out, and unfortunately I didn't have a change of clothes with me, all I had was this hat. :) He didn't seem to mind though.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A fun video

Almost 9 months!!

So it has been a while since my last post. I'm sure a lot has happened that I could tell you about, but since I'm still sleep deprived I can't seem to remember any. I will post a few updates about AJ though. All he ever wants to do now is walk around...he fusses when you hold him, but as soon as you put him down to walk he starts laughing and talking. He's so close to crawling, but I think his head is too big for his poor little arms to hold up. :) Every day I think he's about to take off and crawl, but he just can't quite seem to do it.

AJ loves his Daddy, and loves playing games with him. We wait at the door everyday for Daddy to come home, and when AJ sees him he starts waving his arms so fast and smiling so big. Joe kind of likes him too.
AJ also adores his big cousin Cole-Cole. He wants to run after him all the time, and just laughs so hard whenever he sees him.
The sweet little boy face I know. :) I had a photo of AJ and I one here but I accidentally deleted it, so I will post it on the next post.
